Monday 17 October 2011


             Hello internet! Gosh I haven't posted for like two weeks. And I'm not going to analyze anything today, I'm just going to talk about movies and film in general because I don't have time to watch anything.
             To be honest, film has quickly become one of my favorite artistic mediums (and if you don't agree that film is art to be taken seriously, STFU and GTFO). I love the subconscious aspect of film, where the director just gets inside your head and makes you realize and feel things not outright presented in the shot/scene. For example, the use of straight lines to represent strong male dominance, and the use of curved lines to represent soft female elegance. Another one is the canted angle, that sort of makes our skin crawl and tells us, yes, run, there is something wrong here. I love canted angles c:
              Not to mention what the individual actors bring to the screen. Have you ever seen a movie with Johnny Depp where he's completely out of character for him? Not including Rango. Johnny Depp is almost always portrayed as the protagonist that we identify with but has a certain dark charm we feel sort of apprehensive about. For example, Sweeney Todd! We love Sweeney, for his elegance not expected of a psychopathic murderer. We love him despite the fact that he kills in cold blood waiting for the revenge he's craved for years. Not to mention his roles in The Secret Window and Alice in Wonderland. Okay, I'll admit it, I have a huge actor-crush on Johnny Depp--I've fallen in love with his acting and his characters. As a drama student, I've always wanted to be as good an actor as him.
               Personally, film has a huge effect on me. The role film plays in my life has changed my identity completely--if someone has taken a line from a movie and they use it on me, I'll call them on it right away because chances are I've seen the movie and memorized the line. I'm constantly comparing my friends to characters in films and plays--Talis is Ferris Bueller, Sam is Cameron, and Drew is Sloan. My social teacher is the principal and my parents are Mr. and Mrs. Bueller. Just today I was skipping down the busy city street and I swung myself around on a light post, then Sam caught me and ruined the fun.
               So that's it for today, sorry you didn't get an analysis but I'm honestly too lazy to fight with my parents about the TV and skip supper to analyze something.

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