Saturday 1 October 2011


Hi! This is Anna, the other half of Four Thumbs Up. I really haven't any idea what I should say, at all. Hmm. Mostly, I love film. It's a medium that is so diverse and there are so many ways to make films and watch and interpret them, much like poetry, but you don't have to read it. Movies like Big Fish that have open ends in places and let you figure it out and create your own in your brain. It's something that is REALLY good for FanFiction. But my favourite films, the ones I remember every line to are mostly 80s films, for instance; The Breakfast Club, Say Anything, Pretty in Pink and Can't Buy Me Love.

Other extra little tid-bits of information I felt that you need. At school I am a part of the Citadel Theater Club (a club of 40 kids in my school who just go watch plays once a month so maybe I'll do a review or something. Also, I am in the Improv Club because it's a party there AND the big one, I am a part of the nine people in my school who get to go see High School Plays for free and then review them for like, three days later. ANNNND it's awesome, we've yet to begin. Anyway, enough with my theater geekiness.

So how this is probably going to go is Shaena and I will collaboratively write a review on Sunday and then alternate Mondays and Wednesdays. Cool? Awesome.

Hope that the next post goes up tomorrow. BYEBYE!!!! <3 Anna Banana

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